Windows for the King at St. Mary’s Barnard Castle

In 2024 Barnard Castle is celebrating 550 years since the lordship of the town was granted to Richard, Duke of Gloucester, later Richard III. Windows for the King will install seven etched glass windows in the porch of St Mary’s to mark this anniversary. Please...

2021 Annual General Meeting

We gathered in Petone for the AGM and monthly meeting and were treated to an excellent talk on the ‘Parliament of Devil’s’ by one of our members. The Parliament of Devils was a session of Henry VI’s parliament held at Coventry in October, 1459,...

Happy 569th Birthday, King Richard!

  By the time autumn had set in and the nights were getting longer in October, 1452, there had already been a castle at Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire for 400 years, dating back to the Norman invasion. It had passed through numerous hands over the centuries...

2020’s Annual General Meeting in Petone

  Today, the New Zealand branch celebrated their 2020 AGM, and as it was only two days after the man himself’s birthday on the 2nd of October, we celebrated with cake! Happy Birthday King Richard.


The Branch venue for the Hutt meetings is “the Sanctuary”, 88, Richmond Street, Off Udy Street, Petone. Access and limited car parking is down the driveway at the side of the property.

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